CQ Pro Assessment: Measure Your Cultural Intelligence & Cultural Values

CQ Pro Assessment: Measure Your Cultural Intelligence & Cultural Values


Measure your ability to work and engage effectively across cultures by assessing skills in four distinct areas: CQ Drive, CQ Knowledge, CQ Action, and CQ Strategy.

Assessment Available in English, Spanish, Japanese, Portuguese, Italian, Simplified Chinese, German, French.

The CQ Pro Assessment measures your ability to work and relate across global cultures by measuring skills in four distinct areas. It also includes a valuable analysis of your cultural values across ten global clusters. It is the starting point of your CQ journey and gives you a benchmark from which to improve your effectiveness.



  • CQ Drive: Level of interest, persistence, and confidence during multicultural interactions.
  • CQ Knowledge: Understanding of how cultures are similar and different.
  • CQ Strategy: Awareness and ability to plan for multicultural interactions.
  • CQ Action: Ability to adapt when relating and working in multicultural contexts.

In addition, the CQ Pro Assessment provides you with a mapping of your preferences on 10 cultural values:

  • Individualism vs. Collectivism
  • Low vs. High Power Distance
  • Low vs. High Uncertainty Avoidance
  • Cooperative vs. Competitive
  • Short Term vs. Long Term
  • Direct vs. Indirect
  • Being vs. Doing
  • Universalism vs. Particularism
  • Non-Expressive vs. Expressive
  • Linear vs. Non-Linear


Learning Objectives:

  • Heighten your self-awareness and gain a deeper understanding of individual strengths and blind spots, including your motivations, ability to adapt, CQ knowledge, and your ability to strategize in culturally diverse situations.  
  • Understand the critical components of cultural intelligence and develop a personalized CQ action plan to improve your CQ
  • Gain valuable insight on how your CQ compares to individuals from all over the world
  • Discover your orientation on ten cultural values and their impact on how you live & work


You Will Receive


Personal Feedback Report includes:

  • Self-Ratings & Norms for the 4 CQ Capabilities
  • Self-Ratings & Norms for the 13 CQ Sub-dimensions
  • Development & Action Plan
  • Personal Cultural Value Preferences

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